Friday, September 03, 2004
Big Mac, Small Appetite?
I love Carl's Jr. For my money, there are not many better fast food burgers. However, I really take issue with their television advertising. First they gave us the famed "If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face" series which, I know for me, was highly appetizing. I would actually just go to the drive-thru and ask them to put it "in my face." Forget the bag, forget the wrapping, just put that big burger in my face. It brings to mind images of washing your face with thousand island. But it didn't stop with that sloppy slogan; no, that would be too easy. Now they're taking shots at McDonald's by hitting us with a commercial featuring former Home Run King Mark McGwire (I'll bet you were wondering what this had to with sports). Ya see, McGwire's nickname "Big Mac" was a play on the famous McDonald's hamburger of the same name yet Carl's tell us even Big Mac himself prefers their Six-Dollar Burger. He sits there with this giant sandwich in his hand (it may have been the new double-six-dollar burger--would that be a twelve-dollar burger?), and he's supposedly just going to town on this thing. That's what they'd have us to believe anyway. In actuality, he's not even taking bites; he's chomping at air. Now I understand that this commercial might have needed a few takes to shoot, but the guy is massive! He can't manage to eat an entire hamburger or, God forbid, two? It's insulting to our intelligence that they think we can watch Mark McGwire take six giant "bites" of this burger and not notice that the bite radius on the son of a bitch is that of a chihuahua. They even go so far as to have him pull a pickle slice out of the burger and eat that two bites! When was the last time any normal human being needed two bites to digest a pickle slice the size of a quarter? It's outrageous! Have these ad guys ever been to Carl's Jr? Talk to me about the size of the patties, hit me with the quality of the onion rings, but don't sit Mark McGwire in front of me and expect me to buy when the celebrity endorsing won't even eat the burger if you paid him.