Friday, November 05, 2004


The Riley Factor

Pat Riley is fed up with the incessant whining of malcontent multi-millionaire NBAers. Said Riley: "Until a team will actually just make a stand and suspend the guy for conduct detrimental (to the team), and for breach of contract, tortious interfering with the development of his team, and will suspend him and fine him and make the players' association and the NBA go to court and arbitration, then these guys will continue to do it." -- Toronto Star

A-freakin-men, Pat! I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, man. Across this line, YOU DO NOT--also, Dude, "malcontent multi-millionaire" is not the preferred nomanclature. Economically Dissatisfied, please.

Seriously though, if I were wearing a hat today, which for all you know I am, I'd tip it to Pat Riley for a great moment of Jerry Maguire-esque wisdom.

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