Monday, November 01, 2004


Rock The Vote...Or Maybe Don't

I understand the reasoning behind getting all eligible voters to the polls tomorrow to "rock the vote," but I'm starting to think it might not be such a good idea.

On my way in this morning, KROQ's Kevin and Bean were taking calls from undecided voters to try to help them make up their minds one way or the other. Within three callers, the segment had already entrenched itself as one of the most blatant exhibitions of stupidity in recent memory. There was one guy who went back and forth listing such criticisms as "Kerry looks like a wuss" and "Bush seems like he just cares about making money for his buddies" before finally settling on Kerry as his candidate of choice. How did he finally make up his mind after months of heavy campaigning and debate?

"I just saw that new Eminem video and I really like Eminem."

In case you haven't caught Marshal Mathers' latest, it's called "Mosh" and is decidedly anti-Bush.

Is it really important for all eligible voters to cast their votes if this is the kind of thinking that's going into them? I think not. Why is it so important to make a decision if it's a totally uninformed one? Don't tell me it's about making use of our freedom because this jackass voting with the extent of his research being the latest Eminem video would be an absolute disgrace to that freedom. Seriously, that makes about as much sense as voting for the candidate you find to be better looking. Or maybe we should just flip a coin.

Sean "P Diddy" Combs is in the midst of his own voter encouragement campaign called "Vote or Die." Before people like those on KROQ this morning make that choice too quickly, I implore them to think about what is really going to help their community more. In many cases, I believe it may be the latter.

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